
The power of touch

Massage therapy is a portal to unlocking deep restorative physical and emotional healing. Focusing on easing stress, I use a combination of bodywork techniques to offer tailored treatments. I’m passionate about combating the worries of life by providing a comfortable space for you to unwind and transition into true rest.

I’m an ITEC qualified therapist, offering holistic, deep tissue and pregnancy treatments. Alongside treating clients at home and in the workplace, I offer massage at festivals and have experience as the in-house therapist at Harrods.

Massage Therapy Treatments.



Gentle, nurturing bodywork to help the mind unwind from the stresses of daily life and support the body in restorative healing

Full body or option to focus on a particular area of the body

Promotes a sense of balance and peace

Calming essential oils and music

Deep Tissue

Strong bodywork to loosen tight muscle fibres and improve circulation

Focusing on specific areas of chronic discomfort

The perfect way to release tension from the body


Pre/post natal

The ultimate soothing self care massage integrating a range of techniques to honour transitions in the body during and after pregnancy

Eases aches and strains from carrying a little human

Relieves lower back pain and promotes relaxation



45 minutes


60 minutes


75 minutes

New clients will receive £10 off their first treatment


“Over the past year Jo has made a huge difference to my body and mind. Each massage feels totally tailored to what I tell Jo each week. She has not only helped with various aches and pains, she has had amazing advice to give in many holistic areas. A fountain of knowledge.”

— Sophia Perez, Jewellery Designer

“Jo is fantastic. Perfect amount of pressure used and I felt so great after. I tend to get a lot of tight knots in my neck and upper back, and she successfully removed these and gave me a lot of self-care advice afterwards. I would highly recommend her and will be making regular appointments!”

— Sabina, Harrods