
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

- Paulo Coelho

Hi, I’m Jo.

The mind, body and spirit connection is powerful, and I believe by opening yourself up to each and every layer within, you can develop a strength and emotional resilience to guide you through life’s joys and challenges with a sense of peace.

I know exactly what it feels like to be burnt out, stressed, sad and unsure of where you’re going. I’ve been there, and I’m still working through it. Our culture has become such a commodity, that we have forgotten who we are underneath it all and a lot of us struggle to find our way out of the fog. I’m here to remind you that you can transcend beyond the limiting boundaries of our, at times, suffocating society. Embodied movement and stillness can feel nourishing for your body, and help you accept and love yourself more fully.

My first experience of yoga was ten years ago in India where I spent two hours confused and sweating – to say I felt inflexible and self-conscious was an understatement so if you’ve ever felt this way too, know that I resonate. I continued to dabble in yoga in my early twenties, but it hadn't quite clicked yet - my ego was telling me that I wasn't good enough and I was caught up in the whirlwind of living and partying in London.

I truly believe the right healing comes to you at the exactly right time. And this was true for me years later...when I was overwhelmed with grief after losing a very special person in my life, yoga and meditation came to me in a brand new way. Having quit my full time job I surrendered to the painful process, opened my heart and connected to the practices in a profound way.

For me, yoga is yourself, your inner wisdom, your compassion and understanding. It's such a blessing to share this loving practice with you and remind you that you have all the tools you'll ever need, within yourself.

I’m still learning and understanding this life, as we all are, but I feel stronger knowing that whatever life throws at me, I can return to that place inside myself where I am whole. I want that for you too.

You know that feeling that there’s something more to this life, a deeper layer or meaning and understanding but you don’t quite know what that is yet? I encourage you to keep searching, keep listening. The road won’t always be easy, but you will find what you are looking for. Perhaps in this space with me, you can start searching.

Let’s all come together to support each other, to show up authentically and navigate this life with kindness and patience. Come and join me.

Sending you love,

Jo x



- 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training. Joga Yoga.

- Yin Yoga Foundations. The Yoga People.

- Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Diploma. AYM Institute.

- ITEC Body Massage Diploma. London School of Massage.

- ITEC Deep Tissue & Pregnancy Massage. London School of Massage.